Introduction: Hedge Tape Spider Man Mask

This instructable volition show you how to make a cool spider man mask out of channel tape and a few other materials. This masqu looks pretty great and is an awesome project to do with some elude tape. You can actually see come out of the closet of this mask (although the public does admit a darker tint and becomes little bit fuzzy) and Information technology has fit happening everyone I've asked to try it on. This contrive will work fine for a normal spider man mask (wholly you get to do is alteration the colors) but I chose to go far with the back spider valet de chambre color scheme. I did this primarily because grey-haired and dark are the colors of duck magnetic tape I had but also because Carnage infested spider man looks cooler then normal spider Man and if you dissent you can battle IT out in the comments : ). Before I assume the back chronicle, I have a a couple of disclaimers... First, because of its contrive, the top of the mask is a little bellying American Samoa you can see in the second picture. I did my outdo to mend this issue but couldn't quite come rid of of it. If anyone has some ideas differentiate me in the comments. Minute, this mask has horrible airing, so don't pass out. The melodic theme for making a mask came to mind when my mom discovered her burnt umber bags were transparent only when when your oculus is right up next to the bag. I cerebration this was super cool so I set to determination a direction to use of goods and services this bags and making a mask was the obvious answer. I didn't have any fabric, or sowing skills, only I did have duct magnetic tape and guess what, at that place was a duck magnetic tape contest natural event and then IT was a win deliver the goods. I then did some simple theorizing and duck tape models (out of which came my duct tape recording ball) and then set thereto. I really got the design first judge (give thanks you God!) so IT didn't take to much duck tape. And so, just like that, the duct tape wanderer man mask was born! Now I'm asking you turn out with me as explaining duct tape fundament follow catchy only if you follow the pictures you bequeath be very well. Lets get to making!

What you will need:


1. About a role of black duck tape (mine was called cloth tape but love apple murphy).

2. About 1/4th a role of silver duck tape

3. A coffee bag ilk the 1 I said earlier or I've been told a space blanket will work.

follow this colligate to a conversation I had with the instructables community for some more info (also thanks for the assistanc everyone World Health Organization helped answer my question!)

4. Saran Wra, plastic wrap or whatever you phone that thin plastic you get across nutrient to keep it impertinent.


1. Scissors hold

2. (optional) a mirror

Step 1: The Rough Weakened

Ok, the first thing you need to do is make over the rough make out of your masquerade. I apologize for the surplus length of the vertical strip of douse tape in the eldest pictures I didn't realize it need to be shortened until later. Get down by taking your coffee bag (or standardised real) and cutting out the physical body of wanderer man's mask eyes. Its subservient to take care at a picture online for this but the anatomy they should be is in the showtime picture. Take a leak certain your cuts are identical for the eyes and then tear a musical composition of duck tape the correct duration. Well whats the right length you English hawthorn ask.... To count on out the length of your strip of duck magnetic tape hold one end of IT below your chin, sticky face lining out, and unfurl the duct tape till the other end is at the back of your head and tear. This is just a safety device safeguard against the varying sizes of heads so if you don't want to measure the length thats advisable for you, and then wee your strip between 16 and 17 inches. At present set down your eyes, pointy end inclined up, approximately 5 in above the tail end of your mask. If you want to know were they should go exactly put the duct tape blow your Chin again and find what point your eyes are on the mask. One time you've placed your optic cut outs, you should have something that looks like picture 2 (except your strip shouldn't be A long). Now measure the distance from where you settled your eyes to the bottom of your flight strip of duck's egg tape and make six more strips of duck tape roughly the same length (about 5 in). Place these over your eye cut outs so that the sticky position is upbound and the cut outs should be more often than not lying in wait from your persuasion as shown in picture 3. Next, take the remaining 4 strips and place them so they dissever each of the four quarters you made in half. Now you rump fill in all the gaps to make a opaque circle and cover the sticky side with plastic enwrap. Glucinium warned, it is extremely difficult to remove the elastic wrap afterward you have placed IT indeed be careful. Your mask so far should look like depict 5. Your traffic circle should be composed of 16 pieces of duck tapeline. You can put option a mark on the bottom deuce-ac or just make a lineament note. Now attach canal tape to the rear of the 2 strips on either side of those trine you asterisked. The pieces you just added should be vertical and should scan a bittie lower then the lowest point of your band. Word picture 6 can help you understand what I'm speaking about... Your passing to do the same thing with the next 2 strips connected either side but systematic to run the pieces down you need to extend the circle strips a little. To do this, come with the back of the next two circle strips on either sidelong a horizontal extension plunder about 2 inches long, for the lower strip and 3 inches long for the high strip. Then run pieces of duct tape down and then they are even with the two you already ran down on each side. Take a look at picture 7 to help you understand... At present cover charge the sticky sidelong of these pieces of duct tape with plastic wrap. Lastly you need to extend the peak 4 pieces of the Mexican valium. To do this bind 4 pieces of duct tape, about 6 inches in length, to the back of the top two pieces along either side of the original strip. The 4 pieces should be flat with the daring strip. Now cover the sticky sidelong of these pieces in plastic wrap and it's ok if there is a little space between to each one strip. There you go, you've done it! The output should seem corresponding the last picture and make up non-sticky because of the plastic wrap.

Step 2: Chassis Information technology

Beatific job! Your doing expectant! Now you deman to flip the unanimous thing terminated. Erstwhile you have flipped it over use your scissor grip to cut the bottom cardinal edges. By now your mask should look care the ordinal picture. Next lift the oculus cut outs astir (I victimised European country tape to certify) and cut exterior the section of duct tape they cover. Now round the nates two corners much drastically and slightly assaul out the top two corners. Your cloak should immediately looking l look-alike the 3rd picture. Now I'm going away to cook up some language so you can watch over Pine Tree State. Find the furthest right corner of your mask, the only right corner thats unruffled pointy. We're going to promise the even side next to this corner side A and on the other English next to the left corner, pull B. Nowadays remember how there was originally a rectangle above the circle part of your mask earlier we rounded to impermissible? Well we are going to call the proper side of that rectangle side C and the left side, side D. At once what your going to do is attach side A to side C and side B to side D using two strips of canal tape of equal length. One time you've done that you should have a masquerade party that looks look-alike depiction 4. See those pointy corners that are sporty formed at the top of your mask. Fountainhead we are going to have to become rid of those and the best way to suffice that is to get-up-and-go those corners so put a strip of duct tape over the touch to cover the indent as shown in picture 5. Now start to the inside of your mask and cut those indented corners forth. This is to make sure they don't push on along your head when its in the mask and make make the top of your mask poofy. Once the corners are cut off the inside should look like visualize 6. Forthwith try the cloak along and take a selfy Beaver State look in a mirror. You will see the bottom of your mask comes straight down and doesn't hug your side like spiderman's does. To fix this identify the original heart strip and and pull it so its under your Kuki-Chin. There should Be 2 canal tape folds that support when you do this. Fold these toward your center strip and duct videotape over the folds so you can't see the crease. Your mask should look away like picture 7. (I added a bit arch so the mask would embrace my neck a little better only this ISN't necessary). Lastly put the block out on one to a greater extent time and fold the top back of your mask just like you did on the bottom. These folds give your mask a Sir Thomas More semilunar condition and service the mask hug your steer more. Wow, thats a quite a little of explaining. You did it and are done with the secondment step!

Step 3: Deccorate

Your almost done! Now whol your spider man cloak inevitably is some touchups. First cover up whatever spots where plastic wrap shows direct with epithelial duct tape. Then tape the transcend of your oculus cut outs down as shown in mental picture 2. On that point is two reasons why you only tape down the tops of you eyes. First information technology looks better and keeps the eyes more rounded. second information technology helps a little bit with the ventilation issue. Formerly you've done that use your silver duck tape to make thin strips that you will use to make the frame of the webbing. Its second-best to expend a moving-picture show to avail but when your done it should look like picture show three. Lastly make the circles of webbing using the sliver duct tape and a picture of spiderman online or the front picture. After that your mask is done! Information technology should tone like the picture on the prototypical mistreat. Thanks for dangling with me and congratulations happening devising your cloak! Comment below if you arrive at it or if you have whatever questions.

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