
Failure configuring Windows updates, Reverting changes.

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If your Windows xi/x/8/seven system gives you a message Failure configuring Windows updates, Reverting changes, Do not turn off your computer message, then this post may aid yous troubleshoot the issue. This is a generic error that might announced whatsoever fourth dimension a Windows update fails.

Failure configuring Windows updates

Failure configuring updates, Reverting changes, Exercise not  turn off your computer

If you are facing this issue, your computer will normally take 20-thirty minutes to revert the changes. Here are a few steps you may want to attempt and see if it helps resolve your problem.

ane] Commencement, you should try and restart your Windows computer and then try to install Windows Updates over again. See if this helps.

ii] If it does not, then run the Windows Update Troubleshooter. Although Windows includes a built-in troubleshooter, download one from there as it includes more fixes.

3] Perform a System Restore functioning and and so try again.

4] Boot into Safety Fashion, Run msconfig.exe, select the Services tab, select Hide all Microsoft services and Disable all and Exit. Now restart your calculator and run Windows Update.

v] Start your reckoner in Clean Boot Country and see if yous can now install the Windows Updates. Installing Windows updates in a clean boot state prevents them being blocked by some Windows Services and software – including security software.

half dozen] Navigate to C:\Windows\WinSxS\ binder, search for a pending.xml file and rename information technology. You may even delete it. This will allow Windows Update to delete pending tasks and build a fresh new update check. Encounter if this helps.


7] Navigate to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder and delete the contents of the Software Distribution folder. Restart your computer and try now.

8] Run Arrangement File Checker.

ix] Use the Deployment Imaging and Servicing Management (DISM) tool.

Run DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth  first.

And so runDISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth to repair your Windows Image.

Once the scan is completed, restart, and try again.

10] View your Windows Update History and remove whatever recent update which may take potentially acquired this consequence.

Open Settings > Windows Update > View update history.

11] Repair your Windows installation. Some of you may want to consider a Refresh or Reset operation. OEM users may want to consider a manufacturing plant reset.

Reckoner stuck in a reboot loop

If your figurer gets into an countless reboot loop, attempt to get into Rubber Mode or access Advanced Kick Options. Here you can open a command prompt windows or system restore or perform an Automatic Startup Repair. Windows 7 users may want to consider repairing Windows 7.

Let us know if anything helped you or if y'all have other suggestions.

Also run across: We couldn't consummate the updates, Undoing changes.

Some generic links which can assistance you lot troubleshoot Windows Update errors and problems:

  • Troubleshoot bug with installing Windows Updates in Windows – FAQ
  • Complete Master List of Windows Update Error Codes
  • Troubleshoot: Windows Update Fail To Install
  • Windows Update Page Is Blank In Windows
  • WU Utility volition re-register all required WU dll files in a click
  • Unable to install Windows Updates in Windows, Windows Server.

Failure configuring Windows updates


Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a x-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the unabridged post & the comments first, create a Organisation Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.


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